Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Pace with the new age e- commerce

Commerce, in its very spirit carries the transnational spirit. It has been years men have traded goods, commodities and emotions across the sea accepting diverse faiths, beliefs and culture. Now with the coming of technological revolution in the 20th century and the proliferating popularity of social media in 21st century this age old commerce have got exalted to a different platform where transmission of every service occurs in fractions of seconds and transfusion of cultures have become more elaborate. The coming of e commerce has developed trading in its every form and has opened a new arena of merchandise across the globe.

E commerce entails benefits for both – customers and sellers. The market trends, industry requirements, upcoming challenges etc can be well mapped by the sellers because transactions are happening over ‘internet’. This gives profound insight about consumer behavior to the sellers which can be translated into profitable strategies for future. On the consumer’s end the biggest joy comes from the multiplicity of options one achieves through e commerce. 

The internet space becomes the only platform for all sellers to put their stocks and it is available to everyone across the globe. It enhances the reach of both sellers and buyers to a sky rocketing level. The sellers have more consumers to display their products whereas the buyers have a higher range of variety to make their choice.

In addition to several other benefits one of the other major benefit comes from ‘cost’. E- Commerce has completely removed the physical cost incurred in running a business by making it all virtual. As the cost of production reduces yet the profit maximization opportunities remain higher, the output cost is reduced which is a sheer joy for the buyers. Over internet there is no lack of information or authenticity issues due to the massive use of different software solutions which helps to retain the security concerns for business houses and it also helps to prosper in equal equilibrium.

Internet is the new age boat. It is sailing effectively and is continuously on a rise to develop. Organizations across the globe are rapidly coming into its foray and will soon be replacing all other models of communication in a large way. It is no longer wise to ignore it and tread in other channels of communication. To prosper, it is important to think smart and to pace with the world it is now indispensable to sail  the new age ‘ boat’.

Anasua Mitra 
Msc.Media || PG:1

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