Friday, 8 April 2016

India’s Social Security

Social security is a concept which is enshrined in Article 2 of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. It  states that 'Everyone as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization through national income effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each state of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality’.

Social Security has a powerful impact at all levels of society. It provides workers and their families with health care and also protection against loss of income. For employers and enterprises, social security helps maintain stable labour relations and a productive workforce. Social Security is the protection that a society provides to individuals and household to ensure access to health care and to guarantee income security particularly in case of old age, unemployment, sickness, invalidity, work injury, maternity or loss of a breadwinner.

Types of Social Security-
1.      Social Assistance-Its a method to provide benefits to persons usually for the vulnerable groups of community from general revenues of the states it is non contributory.
2.      Social insurance-A method to provide benefits to person through contributions of beneficiaries with from employer and state.

Various schemes under this Act:

1. The Employees Compensation Act ,1923:In case of death 50% of the monthly wages multiplied by the relevant factor or amount off rs 1,20,000 whichever is more paid.
Schemes For Unorganized Sector

2. Minimum Wages Act,1948:-The Central Government has fixed the National Floor Level Minimum Wages from Rs 116 to Rs 137 per day wef 1.7.2013

3. Labour Welfare Funds -The Ministry of Labour and Employment is administering five welfare Funds for Beedi,cine and certain  categories of non-coal mine workers.
Schemes For The  Buildings And Others Constructed Workers

4. Legal Protection of Childhood Work:initiated in 1988 to rehabilitate working children in labour endemic districts of the country.

5. National Social Assistance  Program: BPL persons aged 60 years or above are entitled to a monthly pension of Rs 2000 upto 79 years of age and Rs 500 thereafter .
Indira Gandhi National Disability pension Scheme:-BPL persons aged 18-59 years with severe and multiple disabilities.

6. National Family Benefit Scheme-BPL household is entitled to lump sum amount of money on the death of primary breadwinner between 10 to 64 years.The amount of assistance is Rs 10,000.

7. Atal Pension Yojana : Previously this scheme was run under the name of National Pension Scheme-Swavalamban.Depending on the contribution  made by a person in the age between 18 to 40 years, at the age of 60 a sum of Rs 1900,Rs 2000,Rs 3000,Rs4000 or Rs 5000  will be paid monthly.
8.Indira Gandhi Matritava Sahyog Yojana:This was approved on 8/11/2010 on pilot basis in 52 districts .This is a centrallty Sponsored Scheme under which full grant in aid would be provided to state Government/Union Territories.Under this  cash incentive of Rs 4000 will be provided directly to women 19 years and above for the first two live births subject to the woman fulfiling  specific condition relating to maternal child health and nutrition.

The Way Ahead:
The policies must focus on the benefit of unorganized workforce. There should be proper mechanism by which the public is made aware about the existing social security officers and the defaulting employer's should be punished

Meenakshi Chowdhury
( PG MEDIA 2015-2017)

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