Aam Aadmi Party: A Turning Point for
Indian Democracy??
is proud to be the largest functioning democracy- the oldest being USA.
Democracy is supposed to produce impact for the masses. Simply speaking;
democracy means power for the masses and
not for of the classes.
is also a very costly phenomenon unlike autocracy. Unfortunately, over the
years, democracy is crudely controlled by the classes-by dynasty culture-
nepotism, where muscle power and money power rules -while a billion plus strong
population remains helpless and hapless.

kejriwal is a social crusader, left government of India service (Indian revenue Service) in 2005. He relentlessly
fought to eradicate corruption in public life, for the Right to Information (RTI)
to achieve transparency in the system and the Jan Lokpal to pin down the
political class which somehow enjoys immunity from justice. His journey culminated
into a political force called Aam Admi Party (AAP) – just to fight within the
system rather than from outside the system. People could identify him as a new
brand of politicians with phenomenal expectation. He is lauded for starting a
political party to bring about social change than armchair politics or politics
dominated by criminals or touts. He increasingly occupied the imagination of
the people as a possible game changer, a symbol of hope for the aam admi who
believes that he will deliver nation free
from corruption and self serving politicians. His landmark approach is of
practicing a different kind of politics with transparency and honesty as the
core elements which is in sharp contrast to the nepharous mechanisms of most
political parties. The path is not that simple and easy and has many critical
pitfalls. AAP believes in aggressive decentralization and redefining the
electrical tariffs and water. Needless to say pulse rate (be it electricity or
telephone) is among the lowest in India. This raises dangerous vision of an
anarchic mutiny and idealism which does not match economic reality.
a country infected with corruption and scams, AAP is proving to be a huge
attraction to the people and also shaming the other political parties and systems.
is only the beginning and the emergence of an alternative political system and
defining an eye opener for India after independence. It has to pass the acid
test where democracy delivers without corruption, without nepotism, without
bias for a nation of 1.3 billion people. This is big challenge. When a sea
change is required, it is only the start of a difficult journey which is badly
damaged by vested political interests and people. Important point is: People at
large could see a different brand of politics and conglomeration of some very
successful people who left their career, and sacrificed their name and fame,
economic stability to a life of crusader. This change India has never seen
after independence and hence galvanized rapid support and sky-high
expectations. A young nation with 65% of the population below the age group of
35, the AAP type politics is a real eye opener and caught the imagination of
the nation. Time will prove its success.
Anjana Chakravorty
M.Sc Media, P.G 1
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