Monday, 21 April 2014

             Democracy And Opinion Poll

The tumultuous condition of Indian politics have raged on thought decades. Its mind-boggling intricacies have wedged onto the democratic values of the nation. To segregate the various tropics of politics, elections come to the primary level. In the run up to the Indian general elections, 2014, various organizations carry out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in India. Opinion polling is a survey of public opinion from a particular sample.
Opinion polls are usually designed to voice the opinions of the denizens by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio within confidence intervals. Opinion poll in India can be downright controversial. These changes include partisan manipulation. Polling agencies have been condescended by the political parties, intellectuals and social erudite. One of the limitations in making predictions is the setup of symbiosis between vote share and number of seats.
The plenipotentiary of this seemingly affable bit of radical polling is rather paradoxical, owing to the numerous institutions attached with it. Polling exerts tremendous impact on politics and public policy debate, it is therefore important that those who undertake polls exercise due diligence and conform to minimum professional ethics and practices. Not only do polls affect public policy debate but they also serve us one of the most significant communication links between government and governed. There is also a huge debate on whether polling undermines the democratic process by influencing electoral behavior and election results. The teeming billions of India can synchronize with the aspects of an opinion poll, notwithstanding the blacklisted attributes. They can actually relate to the bigger picture, the Herculean tasks of the government and their acceptance of a protagonist. The Lok Sabha elections can be posed as a quintessential instance to digress the relevance and authenticity of polling.

Thus summing up, we converge on a point of nude showcasing of a part of Indian politics. The Constitution is highlighted proficiently and the branches of it are asserted by the ways of opinion polling in India.

-Suvojit Gorai
-M.Sc Media, P.G 1

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